2007 – Prizes:
The Bit Generation´s Emergence as a Collective Action Problem: Prisoner´s Dilemma or Network Efects?
Santiago Montt, Yale University Law School
Unifed theory of collusion: a suggestion on legal regulation of cartels
Ivo Teixeira Gico Júnior, Faculdade de Direito da Católica, Brasília, Brasil
2008 – Prizes:
Is It Desirable to Encourage Enforcement?
Francisco Ramos Romeu, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
The Social Function of Contract Law in Brazilian Civil Code: Distributive justice versus efficiency –
lessons from the United States.
Luciano Benetti Timm, Pontificia Universidade Catolica Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Enforceability of Labor Law: Evidence from a Labor Court in Mexico.” (Co-authored with David Kaplan, Enterprise Analysis Unit, The World Bank)
Joyce Sadka, Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, Department of Economics, Mexico.
“The Use of Econometric Methods to Prevent and Punish Domestic Violence Objectively in the Courts of the Dominican Republic.”
Jaime Aristy Escuder, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominican Republic.
Economic Analysis of Property Rights in the Dominican Republic: The status of rentals.
Mónika Infante Henriquez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Dominican Republic.
Patent Bargains in NIC (newly industrialized countries): The Case of Brazil.
Bruno Meyerhof Salama, School of Law, Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil.
(Co-authored with Daniel Benoliel, University of Haifa, Center of Law & Technology)
Economic Analysis of the Tax Law and the Impact of Legal Principles: A case study.
Cristiano Carvalho, IBET (Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies), Brasilia, Brazil.
(Co-authored with Ely José de Mattos, Professor of Economics at UFRGS)
On Causal Apportioning and Efficiency in Tort Law.” (Co-authored with Andrea Castellano, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahıa Blanca and Fernando Tohme, CONICET (National Council of Research of Argentina).
Hugo A. Acciarri, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahıa Blanca, Argentina
2009 – Prizes:
A Computational Method Applied to the Economic Analysis of Criminal Law
Luiz Marcelo Berger, School of Management, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Denis Borenstein, School of Management, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Giácomo Balbinotto Neto, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Default Rules and the Inevitability of Paternalism
Leandro Martins Zanitelli, Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis (UniRitter), Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. mailto:[email protected]
Leandro Martins Zanitelli (Contact Author)
La función intersticial de la eficiencia: deberes precontractuales de información y casos realmente difíciles
Iñigo de la Maza Gazmuri, Facultad de Derecho Universidad Diego Portales, Chile.
The Magnitude of Pain and Suffering Damages from a Law and Economics and Health Economics Point of View
Vaia Karapanou, Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics of the Erasmus School of Law
Louis Visscher is Associate Professor in Law and Economics at the Rotterdam Institute of
Self-Regulation as Two-Stage Rent-Seeking
Georg von Wangemheim, University of Kassel, Germany
Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era
Daniel Benoliel, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, Israel
Bruno Salama, Fundação Getúlio Vargas Law School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Moderación judicial de la cláusula penal en Derecho español
Ignacio Marín García
Beyond Debiasing: Overconfidence in Tort Law
Barbara Luppi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Francesco Parisi, University of Minnesota Law School and University of Bologna, Department of Economics. University of Minnesota
Economic considerations for regulating marital dissolutions in response to new family structures
Mireia Artigot-Golobardes
Law School and Department of Economics
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
2010 – Prizes:
Una mirada económica al diseño constitucional chileno: impacto sobre el proceso legislativo y la acción de
los grupos de interés
José Francisco García y Sebastián Soto.
Young Offenders: Social Context and Juvenile Justice System
Mónica Concha Amin
Reivindicando el Sentido Común: Alegato a favor de la Derogación de la Regulación de la Invitación a Ofrecer en el Código Civil de 1984
Freddy Escobar Rozas y Guillermo Cabieses Crovetto
Exploitative Excessive Pricing Policy in Emerging Economies: The case of South American Economies
Carlos Pablo Márquez
Examen del Objeto y Fines de la Ley de Competencia de El Salvador desde la perspectiva del Análisis Económico del Derecho
Lilliam Virginia Arrieta de Carsana
La Relación de Conflicto entre el Derecho de Competencia y la Propiedad Intelectual en El Salvador
Rafael Arnoldo Gómez
A História do pensamento em Direito e Economia revisitada: conexões com o estudo da responsabilidade civil no Brasil
Eugênio Battesini y Giácomo Balbinotto
Privaticemos la Insolvencia
Huáscar Ezcurra
¿Por qué se jodió el Sur? Crecimiento económico, derechos de propiedad y regulación del crédito en las colonias británicas y españolas en América”
Enrique Pasquel
Pena Capital: Análisis Económico del alto costo de asociarse como responsabilidad limitada en la República Dominicana
Víctor livio Enmanuel Cedeño
2011 – Prizes:
“The calculation of punitive damages: a proposal applied to the Argentine case”
Matias Irigoyen Testa, Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Coca Cola Prize – US$ 1000)
“The deterrence effects of Gun Laws in games with asymmetric skills and information”
Cristiano Aguiar de Oliveira and Giácomo Balbinotto Neto, UFRGS, Brasil (Poder Cívico Prize - US$750)
“El carácter interdisciplinario y la utilidad de la economía en su estudio”
Guillermo Cabieses (ALACDE Prize)
“War on Drugs: A Perfect Information Game Theoretic Approach and Empirical Evidence for North America”
“Game theory and the Law: The legal-rules-acceptability theorem. A rationale for Noncompliance with legal rules”
Guillermo Flóres Borda (ALACDE Prize)
“Money Laundering in the Brazilian Football Sector: international transfers of football players and their vulnerabilities”
Mauro Salvo (ALACDE Prize)
“Legal Transplants, Evolution of Commercial Law and Government Failure in Colombia. The Evolution of Business Entities and Ultra Vires Theory Is it Possible to Stop the Actual Path Dependence?”
Carlos Del Vasto (ALACDE Prize)
2012 – Prizes:
“An Economic Analysis of Rule of Law”
Jose Balmori de La Miyar (1st Place)
“El Enigma de Los Bonos Encubiertos”
Freddy Escobar Rozas
“Macroeconomic Dimensions of the Proposed European Regulation of Succession”
Mireia Artigot I Golobardes
“An Economic Model for Torts in Consumer Protection Policy”
Fernando Meneguin & Maurício S. Bulgarin
“Teoria de Juegos y Derecho: Arbitraje de Oferta Final”
Guillermo Flores Borda
2013 – Prizes:
“Mechanism design” y la brecha de infraestructura en los latinoamericanos
Javier Garcia Velez
“Controlando al metete a la Colombiana. Sobre la inconstitucionalidad y ilegalidad del Decreto 1717 de 2007 y la monopolización de las afiliaciones al régimen subsidiado de salud en el departamento del Chocó"
Alexis Faruth Perea, Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
“Contract enforcement and judicial activism: the law and economics analysis of the good faith general clause and the problem of legal transplant"
Flavianne Fernanda Bittencourt Nóbrega, UFPE, Recife, Brasil